I am still lurking Gravey.
I've had the chance to listen to your early compositions, which I still have a portion in my folders to this day and it's nice to hear that you still come around here to visit your "starting grounds" as I would put it. Now, life has kept us all busy, but at least we can still muster some time to contemplate the past for a brief moment before going forward again and for that, I wish the best for your career!
I also go by the name of Sovaltair now.
Nice to see someone that pumps out metal so sick trying to stay in touch with people. I don't use Facebook that much, and I'm not really a sociable person anyway, so I won't add you. I WILL however, follow you, and maybe check out that page with the rest of your music on it.
Stay classy.
Well that is cool by me. :-)