Almost Epic...
The piano part is nice. I like the back and forth feeling of the chords.
(Rocking, as in rocking something back and forth. Not "rocking it out" of course. Just clarifying this for meat heads who have never heard the term used for anything BUT their favorite pop band.)
You did a nice job of rocking the chords with the tonal of the chord progressions you wrote. Very nice indeed.
The strings are a nice touch as well. Which strings setting did you use? They really glide along nicely on their own. And the piano matches them beautifully. I think maybe some oboe and french horn would make this song truly epic.
Very nicely done. 4/5 and 8/10 from me, because I don't want this to be the finished version of the song! I'ma make you work for that 5/5 and 10/10! ;-)
P.S. - I posted the final version of Acoustic fun. It's the "Sexy" demo I posted! X-D