
437 Audio Reviews

355 w/ Responses

Very Cool...

The percussion is really good, as expected from you. That is always the first thing that comes to mind when listening to your song. Glad ot say this is up to par with what I've heard from you in the past.

I like that lead synth, but I'm not sure it could hold its own throughout a whole song. I would make sure not to lean on it too much. It has a sweet candy effect to my ears. What I mean by that is it was great the first 5 times I looped this little demo, then got really annoying. So I'm not it has a lot of staying power as a lead synth throughout a whole song. Just something to think about.

I like the choir sample you have. Its pretty nifty sounding, albeit not really groundbreaking either. Just fits nicely as it is, and nothing more is really needed than that. :-P

It lacks a little on the low end in terms of sound. Maybe a low pad would fit in here to give it some bass and body. But besides that I think the mix and mesh of synths/percs/instruments is really well done.

4/5 and 7/10 overall. (It is just a demo after all :-P) Can't wait to hear the final product. :-D


nightsurfermusic responds:

Thanks man! I agree that there are a few things missing, but as you said it is just a demo. :D

Thanks for the review! I'll review your new one when i get the chance. :)

It's Ok...

...but that is about it. Now don't take that the wrong way, because every song can't be a hit. And this is a good song, just not a great one.

I like the groove of the entire song. The percussion really does a good job at creating a driving rhythm that has me bobbing my head. But despite how catchy it is, it is missing some element.

It is pretty simple in concept, which seems to be a good thing this time around. But it would be interesting to hear you introduce some new synths, or real instruments such as strings. I think you could fatten up this song and give it a lot more body just by adding some layers and new instruments/synths.

But all in all, I enjoyed this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

4/5 and 8/10 overall.


durn responds:

thanks for the honest and precise review, Gravey.

you're quite correct about lack of layering, I've been trying to approach my music lately as if I'm just a band, keeping things as minimal as possible (bass, lead, rhythm, piano, drums, that's it).

Seemed to work great for house but in trance it definitely seems lacking.

I -would- fatten it up and re-submit but I'm -so- done workin' on this baby. hehe.

I'll keep your comments in mind for the next time I do some trance. More Layers!!!! :D

Thanks Gravey.


Yet another nice emotional piece by you my friend. I like the piano a lot. It really creates a lovely mood and atmosphere. I do think that it is a bit airy though. It sounds as if this was recorded live, and if so you could move the mics a bit closer.

Depending on the piano, I would put a stereo pair of mics close. Where exactly depends on the overall timbre you are wanting to capture really. Then post a stereo pair of room mics to pick up ambiance. If this was created in a program though, just change the reverb a bit so it isn't so wide. That would help a lot.

This as a whole is very nice. But to be honest it is utterly simply. Some good things I hear include a wide dynamic range. Your loud moments are powerful, and the soft moments get very quiet. This is a good thing. You might want to work on your pedal action though. You are holding the pedal a bit too long in areas, and it creates a rather muddy sound overall. If this was created in a program though, just clip the samples a little bit so they don't bleed into each other quite so much.

Being a pianist myself I hear a lot of wonderful nuances in your playing. But they don't quite make up for the lack of technical work. I think you could really expand on this and make it something great, rather than just good as it is now. ;-)

4/5 and 7/10 overall.


PenguinSam responds:

Ah, work with the pedal, just the sound I needed to hear! Er, words to read rather.
I can work with the pedal, that is for sure! I never noticed how muddy it made it. And I wish this was recorded live, but I can't play piano quite that well yet. Actually, maybe if I worked on this song...I bet I could!

I will work on on the pedal work, that is for sure!

Oh! I actually plan on reagranging this for a brass quintet, so you might see both of them posted here on newgrounds! ;)

Thanks for the AMAZING advice, it's stuff like that that I have been needing to hear to improve my music!



I don't know the original song, so I can't say much about how this represents it. But the song itself is pretty cool, and I like the different synths and effects you used.

The percussion is pretty good whenever it is used. Especially that kick man, its phenomenal! Yea, the kick is really making the percussion work. Because the rest of the percussion is really good, but the kick is that stabilizing force. And it just makes the entire ensemble sound thick and meaty.

The synths are cool choices. I like the overall mix you got with them. There is a lot of great ideas going on in this song with the synths. They mix well and just feed off each other.

Really as a whole I can't find anything to complain about. But it is a remix, so it is a given that the song will probably shine in ways that typical Newgrounds tunes don't.

5/5 and 9/10 overall. I just can't give a perfect score to a remix. :-P


Bracksta responds:

lol, dude it is a remix of my own song. thanks for the great review bro i can't believe i acually got a 9/10 on this one, lol from you i mean. you are a really tough critic, but i love your input, it is so helpful. so the fact that you don't have much for me do do on this song, means it really is great, lol.


I love the atmosphere and overall vibe of this song. It is so laid back and inviting to the ears. The mix of instruments is wonderful as well. Really, can't say anything negative about this song.

5/5 and 10/10 overall.

This has been favorited.


Tokolos responds:

Thanks Gravey
you did a great job.

Not Bad...

The percussion is kinda lame-duckish though. I would add some glitches and stuff to it to give it some flair. I'll show you later what I mean exactly. :-)

The synths are decent, but awfully stereotypical. Would have been nice to hear something a little different than the norm. Most of the synths used are decent, they just don't really stick out as anything new or original.

The song was alright until the FL Slayer came in. That really made me want to cry. Slayer might just be the worst sounding vst ever created. It's really bad, so you should stay away from using it at all costs.

The ending gets pretty cool and intense with all the layers of melodies and synths. Very nice how it built up to a climax then died down at the very end.

Also, I hear clipping throughout the last 1/3 of the song. You should check in on that bud.

Not a bad tune, but nothing really original in it either. So it's good, but not really great.

4/5 and 7/10 overall.


Bracksta responds:

ya i need help with fx and EQ :(


This is quite exquisite my friend. You have quite a knack for writing the slow and long drawn out string pieces. This is definitely just more of the same that I come to expect from you. :-)

There really isn't much to say other than this fits exactly what you were going for. It's slow and methodical, and really hits home on your intentions of a sort of love song. Especially for the soundtrack of a movie.

5/5 and 10/10 overall.


PenguinSam responds:

Thank you!

It actualy really fits with tonight, I just found out that the girl I liked likes me and we're official, and this happens to be her favorite song of mine, so I think it all fits together nicely.

I'm glad to here that fits what I was going after, especially from you!



...Not to sound like a broken record, but this sounds exactly like everything else you've ever submitted. Lol!

Btw, there is clipping going on around the 1:12 mark I think. At least it sounds like it on my speakers, but I could be wrong.

But back to my original point. It's more of the same in just about every way. This song is 95% effects, 5% composition, and that isn't really a good balance between the two. Because when you rely on effects so much your music begins sounding the same. And that is happening with your music; it is becoming stale.

Also, I can't lie, I'm really not crazy about the one synth. It sounds like a bunch of white noise to me in all honesty, and really just fills up a lot of space which makes the overall sound and mix a bit stagnant. Its the big fat synth that has white noise over top of it's actual sound.

I don't want to be overly harsh bud, but it just sounds like you aren't trying to progress as a writer. Now I'm not saying you aren't any good, and that your music just sucks. Your music doesn't suck. But there isn't a single moment in this song that actually is based more on the composition itself, rather than the effects which warp it. And there isn't a single moment in this song I could really say sounds anything different from what you've written before.

It's just a dangerous way to write because things start sounding the exact same, and your style becomes stagnant. I'm not saying you have to branch out and start making indie pop or classical music. But there are definitely different styles of trance music. You should try going down a different path in your favorite genre, and simply writing something that pushes your boundaries a bit.

Flashy effects are fun and all, but when they are the backbone of your song I think there is an issue arising.

But I'll show some love cause I know you worked hard on this. And it doesn't sound bad, other than the clipping I think I hear. :-P

4/5 and 7/10 overall.


P.S. - I think the title is very appropriate for this song. :-)

Rukkus responds:

Thank you a ton for this review. I don't know why my songs start sounding the same after awhile. Its just a really bad habbit that i get into. But like the last review you gave me, i'll take your advise and try heading into a new direction. I don't really know what else to say besides the fact that you're right. So i really appreciate the critisizm and advice because i def needed it. Thnx man. I'll try to keep growing lol


I really like this. It has a very unique atmosphere that would fit a lot of purposes. For the most part though, it sounds like something you could hear on the radio. Not alone though, but rather with some vocal artist putting their lyrics over top of what you have here.

I like the mix of instruments in this song, a lot actually. And the percussion is pretty much right on. I like the set you used, and the shaker does a wonderful job of taking up space and yet not being distracting or obnoxious. Very nice touch there my friend.

The guitar sounds great as well. I really like the guitar a lot. Wonderful quality sound that fits the emotion of the song.

5/5 and 10/10 overall.


FairSquare responds:

Haha, is that this song could be heared on the radio a good or a bad thing? :P
And the shaker are actually half open hi-hats, played very softly and in a shaker pattern.
Well, thanks for the review! :D


This is really good. I mean what is there to say that hasn't already said in the reviews before me? :-P

Nice to see someone as nice as yourself actually get some recognition on Newgrounds.

(Not one of my better review I know. Sorry, I'll make up for it next time.) ;-)

5/5 and 9/10 overall.


rednikaiaG responds:

You're so silly, Gravey------!
It meant the World to me that you made it here to write a review PERIOD. Ok? I mean, I wasn't asking for an epic novel or anything!
Thank you for always voting honestly.
I know that I can ALWAYS count on you for that.
Hmmm, I only assume, when I check my inbox, there will be a new song up for YOU as well? Heh heh heh I shall proudly go, where no man has. . . wait a minute, this sounds familiar, yeah.
I'll go review yours too. Besides, it's like I get a free movie when I listen to one of your pieces, ya know? You're quite the ivory tickler, Gravey!
Until you baffle my audio movie creating talents yet again. . .

..........Take care, be good and don't worry about
"makin' anything up", ah-ite?question mark

If you would like me to compose audio for a flash, please send me a private message on Facebook. I will respond as soon as I receive your message. https://www.facebook.com/graveystudios

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