Pretty Cool...
You have some really interesting guitar riffs going on in this song. Nothing overly complicated, but you keep a nice groove going the entire time. That being said, there is room for definite improvement.
For starters, the mix is so transparent. I think you could either add more instruments to this, or even go and record vocals for it. I would prefer the vocals, but there is definitely room for other instruments as well. A piano comes to mind first.
If you don't like that idea, you could simply add more guitar parts. I think this would benefit from a more intricate lead guitar. There really doesn't seem to be much of a lead going on in this song at any time. And I think that is it's one drawback. It just simply does not have a lead melody to hook the listener.
The percussion sounds really good. I really like the rhythms you wrote as well. But the percussion "solo" near the end is a bit much. I would change that myself. It just doesn't work in this situation, at least in my opinion.
Also, the ending is a bit weak. I would give it a more formal and structured finish so this song feel like it is truly complete.
4/5 and 7/10 overall. Nice little tune you got yourself here bud.