Ok bud, this had me laughing my silly little ass off!
First off, perfect selection for such a project. The song is so effing stupid and overused, that the whole orchestra idea creates a real satirical view from my perspective. Almost a, "Too bad it didn't sound like this," sort of thing. X-D
I really like what you did with the instruments. But I think there could have been a lot more done with it.
Personally, I would love to hear some sampling from the original song. Such as the percussion and vocals. Now I know, sampling is supposedly not allowed in Newgrounds. But if you look at the top songs every week, 90% of them are midi rip-offs.
So me thinks you could get away with it if you edited them in some way. That way they can't technically say "You just took samples from the song and just inserted them into this remix." So, go find some sample of the vocals and percussion, and do some minor edits to them, and incorporate them into the song. That would be awesome.
I'm thinking the vocals would be awesome with a water effect and love philter on them. And them being automated of course so the effects mingle together on the vocals by fading in and out.
And this definitely needs some kicking bass. Not only a bass line, but a fat kick would be awesome as well. This is the perfect time to intertwine the orchestral sound with the techno sound. Because it is a song everyone knows, and for the most part loves. But it would be a new and interesting twist on it.
But as it is, I like this a lot anyways. :-)
4/5 and 8/10 overall. Me likes it bud!