Kinda boring. But it could become something nifty with enough work.
First off, you need to find some sounds that actually sound good together. Your instrument choice seems to be a hodgepodge of electro sounds, but none of them really fit well together. The strings are a good idea, and the instrument that is prevalent all the way through is nifty. I'm talking about the sound that ends the song by itself.
Now the strings are a good touch. But they really need a lot of help filling up space. Which could be accomplished in a variety of ways.
First off, make a real beat. Basically your percussion is just a kick and some random crashes. No snare at all that I could hear, and that is always bad. So add some drums to help out the mix. Because they are always very important.
You need to work on writing out chords as well as a melody line. There is more to music than a single line of melody playing along with a kick. Write some full chords, or if nothing else at least some straight fifths and thirds. There is no way words can describe how a simple third of fifth is an improvement over a single not.
Now, I say change the bass. It kinda sucks. I'm guessing you are using FL Studio, because it really sounds like it. If I'm right there, I'd lay money the bass is in the PACKS section, correct? You should use one of the FL Slayer bass generators. I like the PUNCH the most personally. Because if you get rid of all the slap and then boost the bass and lower the high gain, it has a very smooth and heavy sound. Very rich and thick as well. And that will help improve your sound.
Also, vary the melody line some more. It is pretty straightforward and anemic as it is right now. It isn't horrible, but just boring. Some ideas to improve it, hmmmm. Well you could always create two channels with the same melodic instrument, then pan them left and right. Once you do that, you can have a back and forth melody line. Call and response is the actual musical term for it.
I do that a TON in my songs. Especially the ones with acoustic and banjo sounds. Go listen to my Mongolian Banjoman song to get an idea as to how two channels panned left and right can help a melody line. It makes it a lot easier to make complicated melodies as well.
Also, it sounds like there is no real mixing/EQ-ing/Mastering going on. Compress some of your stuff. Add reverb to channels. EQ certain things to bring out the high end more, or the low end. Whatever sounds the best to your ears. One thing that is almost always nice is reverb on strings, and compression on snares and kicks. You can't go wrong compressing a kick or snare. Or with reverb on strings.
After doing all this, you might want to put a limiter on the master track. This will help keep things from peaking out. Also it helps with an overall mix sounding tight. Everything stays within the realm of the limiter.
So, after all this, I think you should have some ideas on how to improve your songs. 3/5 and 5/10 overall, because it isn't horrible. But at the same time could really use a lot of work.
Best of luck bud!